The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 1200 times
Member Comments
You are not being ignored!!!Not tonite anyway! I loved this as I really read it and share what you feel.Continue to write for the Lord and allow yourself to pour out what He pours in. God Bless You!
Yes, this brought a chuckle of total understanding. We live on this earth and we so long for human recognition. But God is right beside us, glowing with pride over each piece we write for Him. It's my personal belief that heaven's library will contain everything written for His glory - everything from the published works down to the simplest 'I love you' note. So keep on writing! We're all in this together.
CUTE and entertaining! I can relate. I loved it. What did the geese think?
I too liked this easy read. I don't know about the ranking thing, I thought it was just the way they were submitted. Please keep writing. I know that sometimes I can't make it through the whole list but the ones I do read I treasure. This one is one of them.
I'm 'write' with ya!! Maybe next quarter will be ours ;0). Thanks for sharing!
Abundance indeed! Great Job!
Keep up the great work. May the Lord continue to guide your pen while you write.

Cute to the inth degree. Keep writing maybe we both with grow past 41st.
You precious child of the King! This is such endearing writing, the rhyme and meter matching your topic to create a vision of a childlike appeal. I agree with another commenter about God's library. He does have His "scroll of remembrance" and I think, someday, He'll hand out the popcorn and we'll all get to enjoy His video keepsakes.
Very creative. I loved it.
Who can't relate to this one? It's so true. The need to be recognized is the top need we, as humans, have. That's what happens to babies when they die of "failure to thrive." It often happens in institutions. It will never happen to us, though, because we know whose we are. I always told my children when they did so well and yet missed recognition, "Just keep at it. You will finally rise to the top when they'll have to acknowledge your talent...if you are truly superior in what you do. Look at Stevie Wonder and Ray Charles...two BLIND, BLACK MEN in a time of prejudice. How did they ever rise to the top? Money, clout? No, talent! Keep on writing! You have spoken for many of us!
I love this! True for all of us. Writing is hard work and you never know what will strike a chord with someone. They tell us every writer has a voice, but sometimes it's hard to figure out, isn't it? Your "voice" speaks to me! This is going in my favorites! Also, thanks for your encouraging comments!