The Official Writing Challenge
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As a Level 1 writer, you might not be aware of the free writing lessons available on the FaithWriters forums. This week’s lesson is on writing devotionals, and next week will cover writing on topic for the weekly challenge. Look for it at, or if you’re on Facebook, you can “like” Faithwriters Writing Lessons. I’d love to have your input into the conversation there!
Very interesting poem, with a lot of messages throughout the entire piece which brought forth a powerful end.

Nicely done.

God bless~
Your message is appreciated and needed, and I like your interesting structure.

This read more like prose than poetry in some parts, and I think it'd benefit from the addition of some poetic language: some metaphor, some sensory imagery, maybe some alliteration or some other device of sound.

You're obviously a talented poet, and it'll be good to see what you do in future challenges.
I tried to send you a private comment but an error came up so I couldn't.

For the second part of your poem, I would suggest to readers to think about praying at every turn of the day, praying about each person or event that comes along. Even silently thanking God for each event as they come brings us into fellowship/friendship with Jesus.

A poem is a good form for bringing soul searching to a person and good teaching of God's word.
Yes, all the law and all the prophets are built on the royal law of love. Nice piece. Keep writing!
I like poetry that makes the reader think. Asking the question, "Do you?" makes the reader consider their actions.

Free verse poetry is a great way to tell a touching story or get a powerful message across. You did both.

We all have a problem with being too busy for God sometimes. But, we need to remember, He is never too busy for us. Thanks for sharing this.
Your message rings through. We do tend to squeeze God on the bottom of our to-do-list, though sometimes not intentionally. Thanks for the reminder. It was also written to topic. Keep writing.