The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
This was a delightful read! I was surprised, however, when the husband put gas in the mower and checked the oil. When I think of a "push" mower, I think of just that - one where you do just that - push with no power whatsoever. I do believe there are people who do enjoy the mowing of lawn, the tending of gardens, etc. I say "good for them!" It keeps the body from failing. Good story! Blessings, Laura
Ho Ho Ho! or Mow Mow Mow! I loved this little peice and I swear you must be the only person to fall in love with a mower and mowing the lawn! such an original take on the idea and of course summer IS when the mowers come out. Oh the smell of fresh mown grass I nearly wrote about that myself but I wasnt doing the mowing. Well done and gets my vote for a prize place!
Please, my address is 200 Main Street. You may mow my yard anytime you so desire.

Such a charming piece. I will read this lovely glimpse of your joy, again.

I enjoyed a certain natural innocence present in your writer's voice.

Well done.
I was so sad the day I handed the lawn mowing duty to my eldest son. Now my third child is asking, "Mom, when will you teach me to mow the lawn." I'm counting the years when I'll have my mower back. LOL

This was fun. You hit a funny chord in me when you talked of your summer love and kissing your husband and leaving for your first seasonal meeting. I was surprised (pleasantly) your love was in the shed. heehee
Your humor and creativity shine in this piece. Great job.
Oh, that we all could feel that way about mowing the grass! Good writing, entertaining, and a message, too!