The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
This story reminded me of
the terrible times I experienced as a young child. There were creatures that would visit me at night and when no one else was around. I always prayed because I knew Jesus at an early age; They soon went away. Thanks for this story. I am thankful there is One greater than all...JESUS.
Very good story. Nice comparison of a Dad with his child, and of God with His children. Good job. Keep writing.
Excellent job connecting your relationship with your father to your relationship with our Father! I love how you do that! It warms my heart to hear you tell of your father and our Heavenly Father. I can see you have a deep love for both!

Your story also brought back memories for me as a child. When I was 5, I had a Q-bert bank that freightened me in the dark. When the light was on, I didn't fear it. Our Father shines His light in the darkness and exposes the fearful shadows for what they really are- absolutely nothing! With Him, we are indeed safe! Nothing touches us without His permission.

I love the courage you had when you were in your father's arms. May we all have that same courage in Our Father's loving arms!

Keep writing and shine for Christ in all you do.