The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
A sweet tribute to your prince and a funny commentary on the toads. Well done.
This is so sweet! Nicely written tribute to your prince. Love the title too!
Excellent recounting of your line of toads culminating in the "happily ever after" we all secretly dream about. My favorite line includes the phrase "see the other half of my heart". Kudos to you!
What a wonderful romantic story. Loved the toads! I especially liked the line "if God had given us one more blessing we would have needed to save it for another day". Good job on romance.

Note: I hope someone kissed each of those toads later and turned them into prince charmings(smirk) haha
Funny & nice!
I liked this simple yet eloquent story. My favorite line was: "I see the other half of my heart". Good job
Loved your title! Great story with just the right touches of humor and romance! I really enjoyed reading this and think you were wise to wait for Prince Charming! He's definitely a "keeper"! :)
Author's Note: #11 in LEVEL I
After reading your comment on my Sci Fi story,(the last on "a list") I knew I must read anything you had written. I was delighted by your very first challenge article. This is so endearing and I was blessed by the words you've written. Please continue to submit each month. I agree with Chrissy, I hope you have joined the message boards. Blessings:-)
Toad-ally Awesome.
I loved the story. I think we have all seen some toads in our lifetime. It was humorus, and a true love story.
You have quite a unique way of telling your story. Keep it up.