The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
I liked the way you built this character. We knew from the beginning it was someone who wanted to better themselves. Then we saw her lose her way a little with the envy of someone she really didn't know, only knew the working exterior. So she never knew if her personal life had hurts and pains too. We saw her shrink into herself, her confidence she seemed to have in the beginning get eroded with a barking boss. We almost pity her a little till at the end she comes back, stands a little straighter and reminds herself that it is her opinion and God's that really matters. Interesting character building here.
I wanted the story to continue! :0) ( This would make a good short story!) Nice writing.
Some real writing here in that it could so easily be any working woman's day.
I too like the character build-up, very convincing and true to life. You hit the nail on the head when you said "My anger gets in the way of my spiritual growth". However, you came to the realization that it is only God's opinion of you that really matters and that's the important thing.
A very well written piece. You have voiced what so many feel, regardless of there station in life. We, as Christians, all look for what we already have in Him- favor. Best wishes, Nancy