The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 1573 times
Member Comments
This is a real gem. I can just imagine reading this to my grandchildren, and seeing their attentive eyes widen, because they identify with the little girl in the dark, alone. Good writing!
Good job writing! Loved this story!
As an expression of deep pain and of being trapped by bad decisions...this is good. I could see your dilemma because of your words.
This is a winner. I loved this piece. Incredible writing. (Does this belong to you Cheryl?) Great job with your descriptions. I could see everything you described. Awesome!
You took me right back to when my girls were just like this little gal. You really did a good job portraying her fears.
Sorry...I left my above comment on the wrong story!
clicked the wrong link... I think. My comment for *this* story is... Great job!
I could feel every emotion and see what you described and even smelled the rain! I loved this... Kate~
Excellent job! You set the mood and surroundings very well; the child's fear was palpable--we've all been there! Nice work taking an everyday situation and revealing how she grew in her young relationship with the Lord.
Well done, nice build up to the lesson :)
A nicely-told story that took me back to my own childhood - and the "monsters" that lived under my bed. I'd jump 10 feet out just to miss being snagged by one! And there was an awful, very scary storm when I was tiny that left scars...such thing can see very real to a small child.

Your message is a good/important/healing one, and you delivered it in an appealing way. Way to go!!

Reminds me of the stories that used to be printed in magazines they gave us as kids in Sunday School, but more deep. Nice.