The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Yea! Our God is the author of happy endings, and I am thankful your was!
Good writing about a personal struggle and victory through God's loving care.
Thank you for sharing your heart, Kathryn. Very nice writing!

Blessings of peace on your journey, sister.
Lots of beautiful phrases in this piece. I thought the first paragraph didn't draw me into the piece as much as the second one. Thank you for sharing your heart.
I'm not so certain you need that first paragraph. The second one really has the hook that pulled me in.

This is otherwise a very honest, beautiful piece that I am sure will minister to others.
What a wonderful story of hope! It was perfect for this week's topic. Thank you for sharing so honestly. I know God is going to use this story to encourage others.
I can understand the feeling you've described. Sometimes we are left alone not because the people around us do not care, but because we choose for ourselves to be abandoned, and that's not good. The more we want to be left alone with a harden heart, the more it hurts people who cares for us. Sadly, we often do not see it when we are in it and we tend to wait too long to be soften by the Lord. Thank you for sharing this story. We certainly need to be more open to the Lord to allow Him to mold us, like soft clay in the hands of the Potter.
This is a great lesson on the results of our self-centeredness and hardened hearts. I love how you parallel your journey with the slow appearance of Spring. Glad you were able to "figure it out". Great writing!
I really liked this piece. It's an excellent illustration of how the Lord can heal the hardness of our hearts, when we finally get to the point of opening them up in obedience to Him. Nicely done.
I like the authentic, honest tone of this piece! I'm glad your MC's spiritual/emotional "rebirth"coincided with the earth's! This is such a "hope full" story, and I thank you for sharing it with us! :)
Very clear, easy to understand writing. I love the honesty and the victory. Good job!
I could relate to this entry so much. Thanks for sharing. If I didn't know any better, I would have thought I wrote it. LOL! Good job describing the emotions.
Hi Kathryn. A bit of encouragement coming your way again. You made it into the Level 1 Highest Rankings again this week, placing 15th overall. Well done! You know how intense the competition is in this level, so you deserve a pat on the back. You are doing really well.

Love, Deb (Challenge Coordinator)