The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Wow, is this a true story? God's ways are amazing. I like your title and opening poem in relation to the friends. Good writing!
Beautiful testimony of the power of the Lord in our lives when we live in obedience to the Lord and "live" our beliefs before the unsaved.
I loved your title and the effective opening poem. That could be sold on plaques....

I would have loved to see the title tied in with the closing somehow to tie it all together, but that's not really a critique- just a suggestion.

This is a powerful testimony of the power of evangelism. Great job!
Hi: I enjoyed your article. It was well written and easy to follow. Your point was well taken about mixing saved and unsaved friends. In this case it was surely effectual.
This is a wonderful account of how God can use us even if we don't intentionally plan it that way. What a delight to be a part of planning the menu while the Lord planned the testimony. Well written. Thanks for the reminder to just keep living the life in front of everyone.
In amongst all the cleverly crafted fiction I LOVE finding the true, gritty, down in the street non-fiction.
This is more than a testimony - this is a jewel in your crown.
Thanks for sharing.
AMEN! Perhaps the less we plan an agenda to convert and just live His love...the more we allow God to work! Thanks for sharing this beautiful story.
Very inspiring!

Another possible approach would be to write this with more dialogue, to enable us to get to know one or two of these people better.

Thanks for sharing this "golden" story!