The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
This is an excellent setting for an adventure story. I would have liked to see your story focus more on just one specific adventure that you had in Nepal. Your story as written is a little too general and covers too long a period of time for the word limit. Some of your descriptions are excellent however.
I would definitely like to read more of your Peace Corps adventures!
I agree with Virginia's comments. I would have like to hear a detailed description of one event. I did pick up on how different the writer was on the plane going and coming home. Nice writing.
I like your title. Having been "there and back" (in my case Vietnam), I could so identify with your impressions leaving the familiar for the unknown and the return, as if from a dream. Your story, here, could be used as an introduction, or forward, for a book in which all the day-to-day adventures unfold. I look forward to discovering your identity. We know missionaries from Nepal---perhaps we have a connection!
Oh, how Iloved reading this. I felt as if I was riding the plane, stepping off into unfamiliar territory with the character and feeling a sense of relief when she returned to the U.S. Thank you for your services and to the many who risk their lives serving God and blessing others, whether military, missionaries or people involed with Peace Corp,etc. I would like to see more of your writings and adventures. Thank you so much for sharing this hon. Lord bless you and thank you for your kind comments on my earlier challenge piece the Praise Quilt. Janice