The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 1313 times
Member Comments
This was good. I would have rearranged the 1st paragraph a bit, and put the date later on. A date as the first sentence doesn't draw readers in as well as active sentences. Also, there were a few minor grammatical errors, but nothing that detracted from the piece as a whole. Great job. Keep up the good work.
This was a lovely piece. Quite honestly, when I saw the topic for last week, I rolled my eyes. I have never been big on sewing. But you took a topic that held no interest for me and made something beautiful out of it. I enjoyed reading this and it was inspiring as well.
Heart rendering story. It must be true, if not, you certainly put me into the scene. Good job.
Hi Donna. I judged this topic and was touched by your story. It rated 21st overall on my tally. Great work!