The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 1196 times
Member Comments
I really liked this, even though it made me tired. Great job.
*wipes hand across brow* Whew! You're right. You don't need a gym. You need a spa day! The third paragraph seemed a bit "rough" to me, but I'm not sure why. Great job overall, and keep writing!
I'm late responding to this, but I had to go rest after I read it! You put me right in the "gym" with you. Good job.
Great job of portraying the work of a stay-at-home mom!
A busy mom definitely works very hard. I liked how you showed your physical fitness connected to your many household chores and baby cares. Nice job.
Hi Angeline, I don't know if you have the private messenger service or not, so please forgive me for contacting you this way. Could you please send me a quick private message (just click on my name and that will take you to my member page--then hit the "Send this Writer a Private Message" link)? Make sure you include your email address so I can explain something to you about your Shopping Challenge entry.

With love, Deb Porter (Challenge Coordinator)