I new! Just finding my around

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I new! Just finding my around

Post by philippa »

Hello all. I am feeling a bit awestruck. Not sure how things flow yet but it is quite fun watching you all relate; so in the interest of not being a fly on the wall I thought I'd say Hi. Love the way you do things. Don't feel I know enough to critique yet (not by a long shot) but have already gleaned helpful ideas from comments etc. Love ..'hunt like a spider' :) and I was wondering if y'all (is that what Americans say?) time permitting, could give me the one most helpful bit of advice re the site that has helped you. Big ask I know. Regards Philippa
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Post by Deb Porter »

Welcome Philippa. Great to have another Aussie on board!

Love, Deb
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Post by RedBaron »

Hi and welcome!! :welcome

As far as critiquing, I felt intimidated when I first got here, but I just jumped in both feet and started leaving feedback on all the challenge entries (can't do it anymore, at least not all of them). You don't have to know everything to leave feedback, just know what you like as a reader :)

And yes, "y'all" is said here, but mostly by folks in the south, or people like me -married to a southern boy :mrgreen: (although I was known to say it before that, since I grew up listening to country music lol).

Best advice - aside from my quote from Cori in my sig... just write. You can't get better if you don't do it. I had a very very dry spell over the last year. But, just recently, things started to work again.
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"...hunt like a spider..." Cori - FW Con '07
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Where are you from?

Post by tarinoel »

Hello - I am new too. I was just wondering what part of Australia are you from? I live for three months in Burwood and went to a great little church in Croyden. I loved it there. I'd move back if I didn't have so much family here.

Funny you are asking about y'all. I am working on a book right now where 50% of it takes place in Australia and was wondering how I am going to make the dialogue sound authentic. You have slang for everything :)

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Re Australia

Post by philippa »

Hi Tarinoel-- Hope I've remembered the spelling --I come from sunny Queensland - I started a reply here about Aussies, dust storms and our vernacular and it grew too large so will keep it simple in the interest of not clogging up the message board. Thanks for the contact. I am sure you will love this wonderful FW site. I am still mining all its treasures. :book2 Let me know if I can help you re Aust. research etc. Philippa
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