The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Now that was a sweet story. I was a little confused at first, but then it settled into a nice pace and I started to identify with the MC by stories end. Sometimes I just feel like staying home too and read the Word. I don't know if you needed to use the word social towards the end as you set up the contrasts nicely between your friends Friday night social life and yours. But it didn't hurt it any to use it. Very nice read. I enjoyed it.
I enjoyed this story and was surprised by the ending because I thought the MC just wanted time to her/himself. The social aspect of spending time with God was a different take on the topic and a good one. If I apply any red ink it would be to reduce the number of social invitation calls a little. 12 seemed a little over the top. (Others may disagree.) Well written.
So many reasons that I love this article and identify with the MC.I don't like to mingle and love my hot tea! Learning that she set aside her evening for intimacy with her LORD was a splendid surprise.

Wing His Words
The ending surprised me. I thought your MC just wanted some tranquil time alone with a good book after a hard week at work. Well, I guess the MC did want time with the Good Book and its author. You told the story well. I even wanted a cup of tea when I finished--amazing since I'm really more of a coffee drinker. Thanks for a terrific conclusion.
This was great. I love it when something surprises me. Like others I thought your MC was just an introvert who needed alone time at the end of the week. As an introvert myself, I could really sympathize, but I also found her a little uncompromising as I would've given in, at least every once-in-while, to their requests. But you made it clear that your MC would never give in and that made me wonder if she was more anti-social than introverted. After your ending, when I re-read it, it now appears to me that the friends know that Friday night is time with God and they are deliberately trying to tempt the MC away from it.

Now the MC is seen in a totally different light to me. There are few writers who can completely change your perspective with the last few line of a piece, and it's just brilliant when it works.

Great job!
Thanks for this reminder. So many needs and expectations from others tend to crowd out the most important part of life:"Be still and know that I am God."
I'm jumping up and down--too full of joy to simply do a happy dance, you know! Congrats and have a scoop of triple chocolate fudge to celebrate your success with this piece.
Congratulation CD on your EC award.
I love the story, especially the ending. It made me smile. It was endearing to see someone set time apart for God and didn't allow anything or anyone to infringed on it. Good for you.
This is lovely. I had such a deep connection with your character. Such a sweet, thoughtful, and such immensely loved person. I can't help but wonder if this is autobiographical. You did great! Congratulations! Happy Dance!
Congratulations, C.D., on you well deserved EC award. I enjoyed the unexpected ending. It was a good reminder to establish time to spend with God.

Thank you for all you comments and kind words.
Congratulations on your EC place. Your story deserved it. Great writing!
Congratulations Camille. Such a sweet story with a surprise ending. Loved it!
Friday night date night with our Lord. Why didn't I think of that?
Lovely entry, thanks CD and congrats!