Is everything I post on FW is considered “published"?

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Is everything I post on FW is considered “published"?

Post by RedBaron »

Is it true that everything I post on FW is considered “published”?

Yes. Anything that appears on a public site, whether that be a blog, a public message board, the FaithWriters site, or something else, is considered published, in the strictest sense of the word.

Many publishers will not care if the piece is on the FW website. However, it is important that you mention in your cover letter where it has appeared.

If you have a book or long piece you are working on, we do recommend that you not post it, for two reasons. One is that on a bigger work it is a little more important that someone does not take your idea. The other is that book publishers will be much more likely to care if the story has already been published.

If you would like feedback on a longer work, we recommend you email it to a writer friend or two.
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