Rules for posting

General information for members, new and old, about the forums and main site.

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Re: Rules for posting

Post by mrsb »

I'm new to faith writers. I'm looking forward to learning from everyone on here...
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Re: Rules for posting

Post by Colswann1 »

Hi, Jill! Welcome, and I hope you enjoy being part of FWs. :)
Colin Swann

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Re: Rules for posting

Post by abbahands »

Hi Deb.
I left Faithwriters for a good bit of time due to my not recognizing that I was in full depression. At that time I wasn't listening to God or anyone else. I was an angry person. Thanks to God, a few good friends and family, I am back. :D I missed the writing challenge very much. My hopes are to enjoy this site more than ever, grow my writing skills, and just have fun.
God bless you all.
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Re: Rules for posting

Post by Shann »

I'm so sorry to hear about the depression. That can be such an isolating and debilitating illness. I'm excited you're back and hope you find some wonderful sense of healing and love. God led me here and this site has made such a difference. A few things may have changed since you were last here so if you have questions, don't hesitate to ask. There is a testimony contest open right now, Last year they had one too and 40 stories were part of the book Trials and Triumphs. I hope you might consider checking it out. The book is still available in the free reads for review section, and this year's contest is open until August 15. :welcome back :D

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Re: Rules for posting

Post by abbahands »

Thanks so much.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek His will in all you do, and He will show you which path to take. Prov. 3:5-6
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Re: Rules for posting

Post by bibhist43 »

slindsay wrote:FaithWriters provides these forums for Christian fellowship, encouragement, inspiration, instruction, support and guidance. It is a place where you can receive answers to your Urgent Prayer Requests, relax in The Water Cooler, take part in a thought provoking Bible Study, look at your beliefs in the Theology Section, and so very much more.

New members, we ask that you introduce yourselves in the Newbies Nook before posting to other forums. You will be given a warm welcome and we hope you will feel very much at home. Please feel free to share as much or as little about yourself as you feel comfortable doing.

Because of the very relational nature of this community, members grow to feel comfortable in being transparent. We often share the deepest desires of our hearts and profound personal struggles, allowing each other to see the scars in our hearts. This openness is what has turned an online community into a family of faith. For this reason, it is important that all members understand the need for unity and peace here at FaithWriters. This is not a place for quarrels or confrontations - it is a place of peace, love, encouragement, and comfort.

All members are encouraged to read James 3:1-12, and approach this community from this Biblical perspective. Remember, "Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark. The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body."

In a community such as this, where every kind of question is welcomed and discussed, there are bound to be some who may feel offended and feel "led" to post an indignant response. These types of posts are found on every Christian bulletin board on the Internet ... except FaithWriters. If you feel led to attack another member, let me offer a single word of caution: Don't.

If you find yourself upset or offended by a post made by another member, we ask that you first approach the member privately (using the free private message service here on the boards) and discuss your concerns gently and with grace. If, after private discussion, the issue has not been resolved, only then should you contact a Moderator to discuss the matter. At no point should personal attacks be made publicly, or privately, against another member.

We do not mean that everyone should agree with everyone or be lockstepped in thought and attitude. Disagreeing with an opinion is very different to being critical about a person or rude to them. So while you may discuss differences of opinion, please always do so with respect and grace toward the person. As Christian writers, we should take great care to always communicate effectively and in a way that is honoring to God.

FaithWriters reserves the right to delete hate posts or those that are disrespectful to others, and to ban the member who leaves them. We do not allow sexually explicit or vulgar posts, obscene or offensive language, or prejudice.

Together, we can build this ministry for the Lord, and reach thousands of other people in need of the support and encouragement that we all enjoy here, without fear of being judged. Thank you so much for helping to make FaithWriters such an amazing community. I personally appreciate your efforts more than words can say!

Thank you and God Bless,
Scott Lindsay
Hi ... I am 'slightly computer' illiterate ... Can someone tell me how to submit my writing?
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Re: Rules for posting

Post by bibhist43 »

Hi ... I am trying to figure out how to know if my writing has been submitted. I struggle with the computer but slowly learning
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Re: Rules for posting

Post by RedBaron »

bibhist43 wrote:Hi ... I am trying to figure out how to know if my writing has been submitted. I struggle with the computer but slowly learning
Hi :) I'll see if I can help. First, you have to log in at this page

Then, if you are just submitting writing to the general submissions, you go here
To edit your articles, you can go here ... manage.php

The free reprint area is here

If you are having trouble finding your profile, I've found the easiest way is to search for yourself here and then bookmark the page :) From there, you can see all your work that you have uploaded.

If you are entering the Weekly Challenge, you go here . You should get a message saying Thank you for entering (something like that). If you don't, then you need to send Deb Porter a message, here ... file&u=102
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Re: Rules for posting

Post by Globetrotter »

I've just discovered this website today. It looks good, and I hope to learn much - and maybe share something with others. I live in Finland, but grew up as a missionary kid in China and Ceylon (1947-1962). I worked about 20 years with my missionary husband in Thailand. I'm a mother of four adult children and grandmother of ten children. I've been writing a long time, mostly in the Swedish language. I took the plunge a few years ago to write in English, which was my only school language. Now I'm working on a memoir/biography about my mother who kept us five children alive and together under dire circumstances during civil war in China; escaped with us to Ceylon on the last plane out; waited there nearly a year before our father joined us. She passed on her deep faith and trust to her children.
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Re: Rules for posting

Post by Deb Porter »

Welcome Globetrotter. It's great to have you with us. Sounds like you have had (and are having) a wonderful full life.

If you want to hone your writing skills, make sure you give the weekly Writing Challenge a go.

Make yourself at home.

Love, Deb
FaithWriters' Writing Challenge Co-ordinator
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Re: Rules for posting

Post by Shann »

Dear Globetrotter, what a perfect handle for you. I can't wait to read more of your stories. You packed a lot in just these few words of introduction. I can't imagine living in so many different corners of the world! I've lived in the same tiny rural town in Western New York my whole life. Thanks to FW, I've become dear friends with people all over this great globe. FW has blessed me in many ways. I hope you find it a huge blessing too.

It's exciting to write a book and you seem like you have some great stories to tell. FW is full of wonderful people who are more than willing to help you on that journey. You may want to pop over to theNewbie Nook where more people will be likely to see your post and welcome you. I also give a somewhat guided tour of all the wonderful things the site as to offer.

I really look forward to reading your work and getting to know you more. :welcome

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Re: Rules for posting

Post by Fullheart »

Hello Fellow FaithWriters,

I love the way this post is worded throughout, and I am joyful over how these things are perfectly in line with what the Spirit calls us as Jesus' church to do. As I re-familiarize myself with the new structure of these forums, I am so happy to see growth on many fronts.

I need to be updating my profile, deleting some beginner articles and better organizing my own stuff too.

Love, grace and blessings to all,
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