What is Hinting or Hint Day?

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What is Hinting or Hint Day?

Post by RedBaron »

I made a separate FAQ for hint day, since some people don't realize it's connected to the weekly challenge :)

What is hinting?
There are a few days lag time between when the entries are finished being judged, and when the results are displayed and names are put on entries. During this time we play a hinting game. The challenge coordinator Deb Porter (breathfreshair) will begin a thread in the challenge forum, around Monday evening, declaring that the judging has been finished and we are now free to begin hinting.

Then each person who has entered in that week’s challenge is free to leave a hint as to the title and level of their story. Then we play a sort of scavenger hunt to find our message board friends’ stories and read and comment on them.

If there was a story in the Advanced level that was titled Mud Puddles, the hint might be something like:

Advanced: Something a child would play in after a rain.
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"...hunt like a spider..." Cori - FW Con '07
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