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It's or Its

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2014 3:07 am
by Anja
I see this error every day; its or it's being used incorrectly.

It's is a contraction for it is. It's is never, ever, ever a possessive.

"The dog chases it's tail" is incorrect.
"The baby played with it's toy" is incorrect.

The dog chases its tail. Correct.
The baby played with its toy. Correct.

It's a fine day. Correct.
It's a Wonderful Life. Correct.

Re: It's or Its

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2014 6:18 am
by KatKane
The same problem arises with theirs (that blue car, which is theirs, is parked behind mine) and there's (there's that blue car, blocking me in again!). I guess in both cases the confusion is logical - 's is the possessive in most cases, but not here. Gotta love the English language and its idiosyncrasies :wink:

Re: It's or Its

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2014 9:10 am
by glorybee
This bugs me, too.

Just an addendum: it's can also be a contraction for 'it has.'

It's been a long day, and it's only just 9:00 a.m. Time for coffee.

Re: It's or Its

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2014 11:25 am
by Anja
Thank you for adding that, Jan. It's always time for coffee.

And thank you, Kat. Incorrect usage does extend to the other possessive pronouns all too often. Your's, her's, their's, and our's are all INCORRECT.

Re: It's or Its

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2014 12:30 pm
by KatKane
"It's always time for coffee."

Couldn't agree more :D