Is this a legit publisher?

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Is this a legit publisher?

Post by storybookendings »

My husband found a site for Dorrance Publishing yesterday and had me take a look at it. They offer to review your manuscript and provide feedback at no charge. The website says they've been around since 1920 but I've just never heard of them and you know what they say about things that seem too good to be true. Has anyone worked with them before? Do you know anything about them?

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Post by firstacts »

They are legitimate in that they publish books. What you have to dig a little deeper for is the terms of publishing. In this case they are a subsidy publisher. What they means is they will publish your book if you are willing to pay them to do so. Some might call them a vanity publisher or perhaps even a glorified self-publisher. Dorance has likely helped fulfill many writer's dreams, but not by being what is typically thought of as a traditional publisher.

This is not to say they are bad, they are just simply different than a mainstream publishing house.
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Post by storybookendings »

Thank you so much for the information. I'm still learning the ropes of the publishing world and many different (and confusing) ways to go about it. Thanks for the help! :)

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Post by deejay »

Tiffany, here are a couple of sites to help you sort out the good from the bad.

Preditors and Editors/Writers Beware, by the Science Fiction Writers Association:

Also, Whispers and Warnings by Writer's Weekly:

Both sites have lots of resources for all writers.
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Post by Mandyleigh »

If you want to find an agent, what is the best way to go about finding a reputable one???
Amanda :)
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Post by deejay »

The links I posted above should have information for finding a legit agent as well. Never use an agent that wants you to pay them up front--agents are paid when your book is published and when you get the royalities, they get their cut. If you have or can get ahold of a copy of the Christian Writer's Market Guide, or even a copy of Writer's Market (secular), they both have advice and listings of reputable agents. Don't forget to check an agent's background and track record.
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