
If you have just signed up as a FaithWriters Platinum (500) member, please stop by this forum and say hello. We want to give you an extra special welcome (even if you are an old familiar face)

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Post by LPflug »

I introduced myself over on the Newbie spot, and then I stumbled on to this one. I bought the whole package and am praying that I didn't throw my hubby's hard earned money out the window. :) I do hope to find new opportunities here.

I love to write and feel like that is what I'm "supposed to do".

I've had a couple of magazine article published (a long time ago). At one time I wrote a pretty cool monthly news letter for my Sunday school class and LOVED it. It was so much fun.

I blog about my Dashing and Bold Adventure (life) now, and I have a dream...seeing a book of my own on a shelf in a book store! I've got a non-fiction in mind, just can't decided how to get started. Ugh!

I'm looking forward to meeting you all.
Feelin' like the only red leaf on a green bush.
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Post by Writetrack »

WELCOME! And thanks for the support!'ve got a non-fiction in mind? Why not enter the Page Turner contest? The Page Turner is an exclusive contest for 500 members and you've got until the end of October to write the first chapter and submit it. Now is the time! :)

Here's the link with all the details, if you're interested: ... turner.php
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Deb Porter
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Post by Deb Porter »

May God pour back a blessing to you! I missed this when you first posted it, but just wanted to repeat what Lynda said about entering the Page Turner contest. It's well worth it for the winner.

It's for non-fiction this year, but we'll be moving back to fiction again next year.

Love, Deb
FaithWriters' Writing Challenge Co-ordinator
Breath of Fresh Air Press

Breath of Fresh Air Press - a little publisher with a lot of heart

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Post by Shann »

Hi I just saw this here! I welcomed you in the newbie nook but I wanted to reassure you that FW is an outstanding site. If you're a Christian and love to write it's worth every bit of your husband's hard-earned money.

For me this has been an answer to a prayer literally. I have a chronic illness and am seldom well enough to leave the house except to be admitted to the hospital. God had told me a while back that I should be writing. I was in bed one day. It had been about two weeks of intense pain. I screamed out to God in agony "Please help me, I want to give up and die. I can't do this any more."

I heard God's answer as plain as day. My mind flashed to the old joke about a man in a terrible flood. A car came by and offered to evacuate him. His answer was God will save me. next a boat came with an offer of rescue, once again he answered God will save me." Finally he was on the roof clinging to the chimney, a helicopter came and once again he claimed, "God will save me." When he died and saw God in heaven he asked I had faith in you why didn't you save me?" God answered I sent a car, a boat and a helicopter, what more did you want?'

God whispered in my ear, you're the man, I've given you what you need to save yourself, you just haven't been using it. I then realized I hadn't written in my prayer journal since the pain got worse. I realized God had been giving me what I need, I just wasn't paying attention. writing has been so therapeutic for me. The weekly challenges have literally been a lifesaver. Having a deadline motivated me to write on a regular basis.I still have bad days, but the writing, the praying, my Bible and the fellowship from this site has helped so much.

I'm not sure if you entered the challenge for the Breathe topic, but if you did, there's a fun thing we do on mon after Deb gives the all clear. It's called hinting, the judges have read the articles so we're free to give hints for which one is ours. Then we are encouraged to hunt for others and read them. it's like a treasure hunt. Just make sure it's for the breathe week and not the feelings one.

If you haven't entered for the feelings topic, I really encourage you to do that. It is awesome and helps so much. Those golden boxes are very helpful. You'll mainly get compliments with a spattering of red ink or constructive criticism. Unfortunately every once in awhile someone can leave what feels to be a harsh comment, but some people just don't have the finesse to say it the right way.

I've tried to read and comment on every entry. i think that has helped me a lot. I do leave constructive criticism once in a while sandwiched between compliments. I'd encourage you to really get out there and read at least the ones in your levels. it's scary leaving comments at first. I remember thinking I'm just a newbie what can I offer? But God has always shown me something good to say about each article.

Sorry I didn't mean to write a book just wanted to say welcome and give some encouragement!

You probably weren't a member in time to write an article for the breathe topic but here's the link to the hinting in case you want to go on a treasure hunt. Many of them are in the Masters level and are really good, don't be intimidated by it though. If it does feel overwhelming, check out the beginners. And again welcome to our family. :D ... m.php?f=56

PS I thought I'd tell you a bit about myself too. I've been married to a great guy, Chris. We have 3 amazing kids Emily, 26, has her Masters in elementary school counseling, but the jobs are scarce in schools right now so she's a Resident director at a nearby college. She's in charge of 7 RAs and over 200 students.

Quinten, 20, has entered his 3rd year of college. he's started the process for becoming a United Methodist minister. it takes several years, he plans to attend Seminary school after he's done with college and this will give him a head start for that.

Lydia, 16, is starting her junior year of HS next week. She's on the swim team, has several college credits already and will have close to 30 when she graduates from high school. She wants to do something in the medical field, physical therapy is one of the things she is considering.

I used to be an RN in Maternity before I became too sick to work. I loved it, it didn't even feel like a job. But my illness has allowed me to be here for my kids as well as an empathetic ear for others suffering chronic pain.

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Sometimes God calms the storm; Sometimes He lets the storm rage and calms His child
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