Buffalo NY area

Looking for a Christian writers' group in your area or have a group of your own? Use this forum to make the connection with other writers.

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Buffalo NY area

Post by NorthernAdams »

If there isn't currently a group in my area, I'd be interested in starting one if there's sufficient interest. If a group exists, I'd like contact information. Is there a page on this site where established groups and contact info are listed by area? If not, that would be a good idea.

I've experienced a lot of problems with regard to having a critique group since moving--my current job won't allow me the opportunity to attend the only group that appears to function in my area, due to the hours I work. I would think that a group meeting on a Saturday would sooner serve those who work during the week. One Saturday per month for two hours isn't nearly enough to disrupt anyone's weekend plans, and with my group in the area I moved from, attendance was hit-or-miss. I attribute that to meeting during the week. You get off work, you're exhausted--too easy to sit on the couch, turn on the TV, and convince yourself to skip a meeting or two, and since you only meet once a month, that's enough to get off-track.

I need to attend or start a group that would meet locally on a Saturday afternoon once per month.
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Re: Buffalo NY area

Post by Shann »

Hi, I live about 90 minutes from Buffalo and my son just graduated from UB. There used to be a thread called Neighbor to neighbor to help people find others in their areas but there were only two groups that posted on a regular basis so they took that section off and moved those threads to the Water Cooler. They're Southern Porch and Pacific Coast Rest Stop. You don't have to be from the south or live on the Pacific to jump in and get to know each other better.

I'm not sure if you're looking for any writing group or want a Christian one in particular but here are some links that might help you find what you're searching for.

http://www.meetup.com/Buffalo-Writers-Meetup/ (This group says it will meet on the weekends)

Here is another


I'm sure some of the colleges would have information too. Good luck I hope this helps a little. I'll always be interested in talking and maybe sharing crit online. I know if you're willing to travel a bit some of the small towns have groups too.

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Sometimes God calms the storm; Sometimes He lets the storm rage and calms His child
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Re: Buffalo NY area

Post by NorthernAdams »

I've looked into both of those groups. The second would work much better but it's full--not accepting new members. The first meets during the week, which is why I was unable to keep up with the one group I did find. Discouraging. I'm bumping around in the dark here.
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